
The magical Giant Monkey Tree Frog moves slowly and gently through the jungles of the Amazon. It secretes a sweat-like substance rich in bioactive peptides that have a miraculous synergistic effect in mammals. Indigenous communities have used this medicine for over a thousand years to clear ‘panema’ or stale, negative energy. Modern science has isolated peptides in Kambô that have pain relieving, antibiotic, and potentially anti-cancer properties. The ritualistic aspect of Kambô ceremonies, combined with the physiological effects of the peptides that cross the blood-brain barrier, is believed to contribute to emotional healing and mental clarity. People come to Kambô for a variety of reasons—for a boost to the immune system, to balance hormones, to heal PTSD and C-PTSD or simply for a full physical and spiritual reset. It really is that powerful.

What to expect

Kambô is applied to the skin through tiny superficial burns called Gates. The secretion remains on the skin for 20 minutes, after which there is time for rest and reflection. Kambô is not psychoactive, but many report a feeling of peace and even euphoria after the ritual. Whatever your experience, the powerful Kambô has scanned your system, its healing peptides racing to the sites in your body where they may do the most good. When applied by a trained practitioner, Kambô is very safe. However, to ensure against any potential contraindications you may have, we will have a discovery call before scheduling your Kambô ceremony.


  • 2-2.5 hour Kambô ritual: $260/$220/$180

  • Sananga and Hape included (see below)


Sananga is a plant ally from the Amazon whose extract is applied to the eyes. Traditionally, the Matis and Matses tribes use Sananga to enhance vision and depth perception before the hunt. We use Sananga before Kambô to enhance our inner vision, helping us gain clarity on our intentions and preparing our body/mind/spirit for the medicine work to come.

Hapé is a shamanic snuff made from tobacco and other sacred herbs prayerfully prepared by grinding and sifting until an ultrafine powder remains. It is administered by way of a special pipe called a Tepi, and blown up the nose of the recipient. Hapé has an incredibly grounding effect on the body and energetic field, and is used to close our Kambô ceremonies and seal in the good work that has transpired.

Sananga and Hapé ceremonies do not have the same contraindications as Kambô, and are therefore accessible to more who wish to experience Amazonian ancestral medicine.

What to expect

Come dressed comfortably, and perhaps with some thoughts or intentions to share with the spirits of the pond before healing with these plant allies. Leave feeling like a warrior!


  • 1 hour Sananga and Hapé ritual (included with Kambô): $120/$100/$80