Templa Rana is a 508(c)(1)(a) Private Ministerial Association. This means we are a nonprofit religious organization dependent on membership tithes and donations to bring our offerings to the collective. To protect our community and its practices, all offerings aside from bodywork are available to Members Only.
We value our members and their commitment to the faith, and we count on their support to build a lasting community with the safety and privacy an association of this type provides. We also understand the very real financial burdens that come with life under capitalism, and we strive to offer membership tiers and service donations that are within reach to all. To this end, you will see three suggested donations for each of our services—these are for the three membership tiers:
Supported: This is for individuals facing financial challenges. $5 monthly membership, lowest donations for services (bodywork, Kambô, etc.) We can always discuss the donation if you are low on funds.
Active: This is for individuals with financial comfort. $10 monthly membership, middle donation for services.
Supporting: This is for individuals with financial ease. This tier allows us to provide free and low-cost services to less resourced members. $20 monthly membership, highest donation for services (this donation reflects current rates in the area).
Contact us to schedule a discovery call and come join us by the pond!